How Remote-How Supported the Flexible Working Journey of Roche Polska

How Remote-How Supported the Flexible Working Journey of Roche Polska

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written on February 2023 by Guest Author

First steps

The first phase of the cooperation between Remote-how and Roche Poland started when this one of the world’s largest biotech companies was looking for an educational webinar about well-being. The times of the pandemic had left a mark on everyone’s life, and that was among the reasons Roche wanted to support their employees and find an expert on the matter.

Based on their needs, Remote-how has matched the company with one of the Experts –Maaria Tiensivu the founder of Innovation Distributed who delivered a virtual training session which included factors that influence employee wellbeing in their workplace the most, as well as best practices to boost their resilience and happiness at work.

“There was so much positive energy during the meetings! The participants felt encouraged to share their thoughts right away, which made the webinars really interactive, and gave everyone motivation to implement what they have learned.”

Trust your own experience

As the Roche team is devoted to improving team skills and creating an ever-developing work environment and were pleased with the previous cooperation, they inquired about another service, looking into productivity boosting.

This time, Roche reached for Iwo’s knowledge as one of the market authorities in the field of building flexible solutions based on a personal workflow. A workshop was conducted which turned out to be a source of inspiration and encouragement to start the project. It gave the attendees a profound understanding of deep work practices as well as tools to set their goals accurately and organize their work in a more effective way based on their personal workflow. The company was again truly satisfied with the experience.

Finding new solutions with Remote-how

Soon after the webinar with Iwo, Roche Polska started considering a new benefits system for its employees. The idea required insights from a subject-matter expert in that particular field because of the complex structure of the project.

Remote-how has already earned the company’s trust as an expert in remote and hybrid work matters, so it seemed to be a natural choice that Roche Polska asked Remote-how for the expertise. As the first step Remote-how has selected 3 different candidates to lead the project, and presented the shortlist to Roche. Based on that Roche has decided to take on this project with one of the Remote-how Experts – Nadia Harris. Nadia is the founder of and a remote & hybrid work advocate with 10 years of experience in consulting, including legal remote work advisory. Together with her, Roche has come up with a strategy and a very specific implementation plan – step by step to work out the most optimal solution that will help their employees be ready for the future of work.

The project was called “Flex Location” and it was all about enabling employees to work from abroad on a short-term basis. The implementation of such an approach required many additional analyzes and consultations (such as the legal, tax, social security, and data protection perspective). Thanks to cooperation with Remote-how, the consultant challenged the design team’s proposals based on the best market practices throughout the process. After having completed all angles successfully, “Flex Location” is now part of Roche’s employee benefits package. Individuals can now make a request to permanently work remotely from their home country or to work from another country for a certain period of time. This amounts to 90 days in the EU and a maximum of 10 days outside of it during 12 consecutive months. 

The work carried out introduces a consistent benefit for the entire Roche workforce in Poland. The introduced rules take into account the legal and financial specificity of the local market and, thanks to the prepared materials, explain these details to employees. Keeping in mind the dynamically changing laws, the policy determines all hard criteria that must be fulfilled to successfully apply for Flex Location. Thanks to such a transparent approach, Roche provides employees with a real tool for building work-life fit –  a way of organizing work that is based on a flexible adjustment towards personal and professional needs.

Remote-how’s experience, knowledge of market trends, cooperation with organizations from a full cross-section of the market is an added value to the project that Roche started in spring 2022. As part of cooperation with Nadia Harris, we took advantage of directional hints, we confronted our internal specificity with real oversized projects in this area with Nadia’s consulting experience. We structured the areas of project work and together prepared full guidelines of the “Flex Location” employee benefit.

Cooperation with a company with such experience allowed us to implement the project efficiently, “without mess”, we saw a real increase in parc in the project with each meeting.

Cooperation that keeps on going

Roche Polska is one of the clients for whom Remote-how has become a provider of multiple solutions responding to a number of the company’s professional services needs. Whether it’s virtual training, a mentoring circle, a workshop or a consulting service, we make sure your hybrid & remote teams get everything they need to work more efficiently and embrace a flexible workspace.

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