Remote-How Weekly Digest #68

Remote-How Weekly Digest #68

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written on December 2019 by Magda Sowierszenko

Ho ho, Remoters!

As the year slowly draws to a close, it’s time to start pondering important questions in life. We have one for you as well …

Do I want to get a taste of traveling and working at the same time?  

If your answer is: “Yes, I do”… join our online chat with Hacker Paradise where you’ll have a chance to ask your questions and learn: 

  • How to make the best use of your working hours as a remote professional
  • How to nail that work-life-travel balance
  • What Remote-how & Hacker Paradise can do for you to help you successfully go remote

Join us at 12pm EST (5pm UTC) on 19 Dec for the last webinar of this year! Learn how to build your career as you travel. JOIN US HERE

Enjoy your week and festive season! Don’t forget to pause and take a moment just for yourself and read some fresh news from the remote world which we have prepared for you. Psst … they go perfect with a cup of coffee and gingerbread cookies!

Enjoy your weekly dose of fresh remote articles!

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