Remote-How Weekly Digest #69

Remote-How Weekly Digest #69

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written on December 2019 by Iwo Szapar

Hi there!

It’s the season of parties, presents, and year-planning. We can’t be there with you, but we can send our Remote Santa straight to your inbox.

This year we want you to take better care of yourself! That’s why your Remote Santa is bringing you a great package of Certified in Distributed Management Program and crash-course on self-care for only 749$.

On self-care crash course you will learn:

  • How to address loneliness at work (by Mark Tippin)
  • How to manage your stress (by Barbie Brewer)
  • How to become more self-aware and find what drives you (by Jim Hughes)
  • How to achieve better work-life balance and take care of your mental health (by Marcus Wermuth)
  • How to practice mindfulness (by Stephan Dohrn)



Warm wishes,

Remote-how Team

Enjoy your weekly dose of fresh remote articles!

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