Remote-How Weekly Digest #30

Remote-How Weekly Digest #30

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written on March 2019 by Magda Sowierszenko

Hello everyone,
I hope you all have had a great week so far – we definitely have at Remote-how! And do we have a cool case study and remote news for you! 🙂 

👉 Case Study: Read more about our history💖
Case Study: “Lisbon Calling” project for PwC

And finally, your weekly dose of remote articles! 

REMOTE work and women
“No, I don’t feel comfortable as the only woman in the room to also be the note-taker.” My CEO then delegated the task to someone else.🙋‍♀️👌

Three ways women can use remote work to advance their careers
If remote work is the right fit for you, it can benefit your productivity, lifestyle, and career trajectory in ways that weren’t an option just a decade ago.

Remote-how Weekly Digest Issue #30

REMOTE work culture and lifestyle
Some may be surprised to find members of a new and elusive community in their own backyard or neighborhood. 🎧😉👩‍💻

Planes, Pings And Pajamas: A Guidebook For The Remote Work Culture
Mobile professionals have a unique set of quirks and nuances. If you are new to the virtual business world, cross-cultural training is critical for acclimation.

Remote-how Weekly Digest Issue #30

REMOTE business trends
The businesses that figure out how to satisfy remote workers’ needs will earn their place as industry leaders. 📈🧐

4 Ways to Make Your Business Irresistible to Remote Workers
Is your company ready to embrace a future where remote work is just as traditional as onsite employment?

Remote-how Weekly Digest Issue #30

REMOTE complexity
Regardless of whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, working in a distributed team where people aren’t tied to a physical office has its ebbs and tides. ⚖🌏

Navigating the Invisible Landscapes of Remote Working: Running Remote
Navigating the invisible landscapes of remote working can be akin to exploring new territories with loneliness, uncertainty, and self questioning.

Remote-how Weekly Digest Issue #30

Remote blessing to all! 😎