Primary Audience
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  • Understand the concept of Psychological Safety
  • Learn how to measure it and how to promote it
  • Explore practical tools and approaches

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High-performing teams need Psychological Safety. Psychological safety is a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. Psychological Safety improves performance, through better capabilities to innovate.

Do you, as a leader, want to walk the talk, and create a safe space for your teams?

During this interactive session, participants will learn the concept of Psychological Safety, learn how to measure it in their organizations, and how to actively promote it across departments and roles.

Who is it for:

  • C-level & Leadership Teams

Key learnings:

  • Understand the concept of Psychological Safety
  • Learn how to measure it and how to promote it
  • Explore practical tools and approaches


"Aside from the fact that Larissa and Adam are both captivating facilitators, I appreciate the "quirkiness" and how they bring that to life. I've felt like I am too silly (or quirky) in previous roles and would find myself often trying to "tone it down." It's refreshing to see quirkiness being promoted. I think that psychological safety, trust, and especially active listening within a working environment are often encouraged but rarely acted on. How MakeTeamWork presents is a game-changer for employees looking to actively implement these types of changes."

Kristen Barber, Project Manager @EMBER

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