Primary Audience
Group Sizes
2-10 • 11-20
Delivery Form
90 minutes long sessions over 5 months / 1 session per month
Number of participants
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Networking Is a Skill, Master It! cover image


When you think of the word “networking," is the first thing that comes to mind a formal cocktail hour or a posh venue with "guys in ties" from which you get nothing? If your answer is yes, you may be seeing networking only as a way to receive value from others. It feels discomforting and it's filled with obligation because you know that a strong network could equal influence.

Reframe this mindset, open your mind, and start appreciating networking as a two-way street where you offer value FIRST to those around you.

Basic networking properties hold crucial skills you need to operate in hybrid collaboration with remote teams and professional collaborative ecosystems for businesses.

Project steps

Discovery Call (30 min)
Session Set Up
Contract and Down Payment

Provided by Expert